An interior that needs light is exactly what the Ameba lights were created for. Incredibly versatile, the five individual pieces of the Ameba light can be combined into a large array of combinations. Created for the Barcelona based lighting manufacturer Vibia, these lights bring form to the pleasure of creating your own space. Interlocking features offer the possibility of playing with shapes and light as well as looking splendid.

Spanish de signer Pete Sans designed the Ameba pendant concept calculating the needs of any space. No matter how big or small, one of the 5 light fixtures or a combination of two or more can create a beautiful and contemporary ambient, the range of options going from one single 30 x 50 cm pendant to a composition of over 10 square meters. Interlocking for a better use of space and design, the 5 sections of the lights are wired to each other so no matter how many sections are used, only one is needed in the ceiling.

Via: Freshome


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